Jahi's sister posted a photo on Twitter today, showing her holding Jahis hand. The signs of decay are obvious, compared to the earlier photo (right), which was posted on Facebook on 1st January, I do not know when either of these photos were taken.

(CBS News)
"If her heart stops beating while she is on the respirator, we can accept that because it means she is done fighting," he said. "We couldn't accept them pulling the plug on her early."
This a salmon's heart beating outside of the body, without any mechanical impulses
And no, it's not just fish hearts that beat on their own.... this is a human heart
Maybe he should brush up on his anatomy and physiology, but then again, I suppose sometimes it is much more convenient to feign ignorance, especially where money is concerned.
And speaking of money, it appears Consumer Watchdog, a non profit organisation in California that, according to their website, are dedicated to fighting corrupt corporations and politicians, has also been using this tragic case to as a fund raising tool in their campaign to raise the cap on the amount that can be claimed following a death due to a hospital's negligence. This is currently $250k, or to quote Uncle Beast 'chump change'
Here's a letter dated 18th December 2013 - 6 DAYS AFTER JAHI WAS DECLARED DEAD - that was sent by them to California's Attorney General, District Attorney and President of the Medical Board.
I wonder if the scumbag lawyer who is representing the family will also be wanting to further his career, but he couldn't stoop so low, could he?
The family, lawyer and all those fuelling false hopes and jumping on the bandwagon need to put an end to this NOW and allow Jahi to rest in peace once and for all.
All about the money
ReplyDeleteThis is a circus of macabre! First she is not doing so well... (yea, she is DEAD) then omg she's improving after trach sx and Gtube!
ReplyDeleteShe is dead BTW, the doc noted above documents the decomposition of her body.
I'm sorry, but I have to correct you - picture on the right was posted 26.12. and that of her sister 31.12. - this means her hand looked like this 9 days ago. Don't try to imagine her actual outlook...
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way... Am I insane, or someone was polishing the nails of dead body, on ICU? This case is mad in so many ways...
By the way, thanks for another informative update. :)
Thank you for posting the images Hekate Hades. So if I'm understanding ondrej hatas's comment above, the image on the right was posted December 26, and the image on the left December 31?
ReplyDeleteThese are the original sources...
Of course we don't know how much time passed between taking them and publishing them, especially concerning the first one...
Thanks for clarifying that, Ondrej. If those images are only a week apart, I shudder to think of the current condition of this poor child's body. So sad :(
DeleteMe too!!
DeleteIF she is dead, then why do you care? IF she is dead then there is no more harm in keeping her body on a ventilator than their would be in harvesting her organs, because as you so cavalierly say, "she is dead."
ReplyDeleteReality is the doctors that declared her "brain dead" did so based on EEG readings at best or at worst simply looking for reflexes in the body. Of course instances of people being in a coma so deep that no EEG readings can be detected have happened and the person has recovered from that state have been reported. The sad fact is the doctors that have declared her dead are biased. They work for the hospital and they know that a settlement for long-term care could cost millions, while a wrongful death would be $250,000. These are not the unbiased voices of reason that should be making this type of call.
In the end, if the girl is truly dead then all this is doing is allowing the family to let go in their own time. There is no harm in it. There is only a problem if you believe that the government or some other institution should have the final word on your life or death. Frankly a family is in the best position to make that decision not a hospital or government agency.
First of all, tests for brain death are very extensive and do not rely just on EEG readings. Here's a video demonstration of this
Secondly, the family have had nearly six weeks to let go. The media storm that they have kicked up makes a mockery of the grieving process and is an insult to anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one.
This is an even better picture... http://media.nbcbayarea.com/images/654*369/hands8.jpg
ReplyDeleteOne of the reasons this bothers me so much, is because I believe there is something within humans which makes us look at a dead body and want to bury it. Not prop it up in grandma's living room.
ReplyDeleteIt bothers me greatly that her family is allowed to drag Jahi's body from place to place and do who-knows-what to it, without anyone putting a stop to it. It's grossly disrespectful. Who handles abuse of a corpse? Why are they not doing anything? If something isn't done, mark my words, at some point in the future some nut will decide that his ex-wife isn't really dead and "hey she worked as a sex worker" so it's okay to sell sex with a corpse.
The first picture you posted, I enlarged it. What happened to her index finger? It looks like the tip of the finger is gone? or bent at a REALLY awkward angle? And the skin is... badly wrinkled.
ReplyDeletesigh, I can't stop thinking about poor Jahi... Her family needs to let her go.
what is that glob of pink? The teddy bear that her family have been posting, doesn't even have any pink on it anywhere, everything is shades of tan. I am tempted to install my paint program and look at that image again with better tools.
ReplyDeleteThe glob of pink is the light from her pulse ox on her finger.
Deleteoh thank you very much! I was afraid something was oozing from her finger, but then again if something was, it wouldn't be pink!
ReplyDeleteGee, I think I would freak out putting a moving body in the ground. http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/kansas-city-bishop-pens-passionate-defense-of-life-in-response-to-jahi-mcma Her family should have the right to make whatever decision that they believe is best. there has been quite a few brain dead persons coming back, remember Dunlap? There are so many others as well. Of course I am sure you are aware of that.
ReplyDeleteDead people sometimes have involuntary reflex movements, this was noted during the French Revolution after people had been decapitated. This is a video of a dead young man's body showing such reflexes.
On another point, families do not have a right to decide when someone is dead. Only a qualified medical professional can do that. Imagine the chaos that would create if we all suddenly decided that our loved ones who have passed are still alive!
DeleteThere is very little data on Dunlap, but reports have suggested it was a misdiagnosis of brain death due to insufficient tests being run.
DeleteReply to Anon : Jan. 15th - 21:38 post
DeleteSnippet of what you wrote : > "...There are so many others as well. Of course I am sure you are aware of that."
Speaking for myself, NO I'm not aware of ANYONE who had been declared brain dead
coming back to life.
Again, patients who were in a coma and had been misdiagnosed as brain dead, might have made a recovery of some form. Those misdiagnoses have never been performed by a team of qualified specialists period!
You also wrote: " Her family should have the right to make whatever decision that they believe is best."
You're saying that her "family"...do you mean her Uncle, her mom, grandma, or sisters, SHOULD have the RIGHT to make whatever decisions that THEY BELIEVE is BEST??!!! Best for who?! SMH!
Why should a group of uneducated people have the power, or audacity to want to trump the advice and opinions of highly educated skilled medical professionals??!!
If Jahi has made such vast improvements after being released from the "dreadful" CHO- and almost 2 months have passed, then she should be fully recovered by now and back at home. ;)
there is someone higher than medical professionals I'm sure they consult with.
DeleteYou can't put a moving body in the ground because they embalm the body. Brain dead people do not come back to life. People in deep comas can.
ReplyDeleteHer poor little body is deteriorating.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt that Jahi's large body is deteriorating, and by now there would be signs of decomp that even a 12 year old should be able to spot.
ReplyDeleteAmazing how the family has managed to keep the deceased's whereabouts under the radar, yet shouted to the world prior to Jahi's transfer from CHO, splashing photos of Jahi for all to see.
Where are the photos of evidence proving their claims about Jahi thriving and doing so much better since her discharge from CHO?!
Lack of any credible proof, and their silence- speaks volumes!
God has the final say! Not parents and not doctors. And when God says it's time, then Jahi will cease to exist here on earth and take her place in Heaven. Try not to judge, least ye be judged. If it's not your child, then butt out and let them have their time with her. It's not hurting any of you. Jesus rose people from the dead, you don't know his plan for Jahi. As for me, I will keep praying for her and a miracle. Please do the same! God bless you all!
DeleteRealist- my name says it all. As for anon on March 8th. Why don't you butt out since this site is not for the koolaid drinkers.
ReplyDeleteYou are misinformed and clueless. Sorry but Doctors do have the FINAL say!
I think that over 3 months is way more than long enough for "the family have their time with her."
Show me proof that Jesus rose the dead! SMH!
I DO KNOW "His" plans for her...there isn't any. Period 0 zip nada. It's not possible! No matter how hard it is for you to comprehend or face the truth, facts, and reality, it just isn't going to happen.
You can prey all ya want- but if youz ax me ya jest be a wastin yo time thinken dat a miracle dun gonna be happnen cuz dat just aint so bout dem miracles or miraculous dead peepoes comen bak from been dead.
I see that you do realize Jahi has indeedy passed on = as in being dead, since you wrote about how "Jesus rose people from the dead" and how I don't know His plans for Jahi.
If Jahi isn't your child either, then why are you butting in?? Mama, Auntie, Unk, or Granny perhaps??! ;) DadadadaDa!!
I'm Realist who posted the above reply to March 8th, Anon. I'm being lazy by not logging in, so therefore I'm listed as another Anon-
You need to chill. You are not a child of GOD, so sit down and take your place. You Don't know the plans GOD has for her, You believe 3 months is way more than enough time, who are you silly billy, take your place to nowhere.
DeleteAnon @ 29 April 2014 at 13:52
DeleteYou need to stay at your place and butt out of other's opinions. God doesn't not like your type you bossy cow.
What do you have to say now smarmy one? It's been over a year and God hasn't done what ya all think he was supposed to do. SMH- "silly billy". LOL- I'm sure relieved that you don't live anywhere close to my civilized logical educated country.
Now go STFU and sit down at your pew.
Zealot Koolaid drinking sheeple.
i would like to say this we lost our mom back in December of last yr and she was on a vent to but she also layed an hr with very little oz and a very low pb to and the hospital worked with her and the dr done a brain wave test on her to and the next day around 5 the dr came out and told us she was brain dead and for us to thank about it and when the time comes we would have to make the call well we did not have to make that call our mom organs starting shutting down on there own and then the dr,s called us back there and said she is not going to make it long and at 7 p.m she flat lined and she was gone so yes she was brain dead and was not responding to anything at all no matter what they tried to do to get her to show some kind of moving at all and she did,t this little girl is not brain dead she is showing sings of moving and she is still alive even if your on a vent and u are brain dead then your body would not stay alive on a vent your organs start shutting down even on a vent my moms did yes as i said my mom was on a vent even after she passed on the vent the dr had to come in and say she was gone then they shut the vent off at that time not before so yes i truly say this little girl is still very much alive
ReplyDeleteDo you know how to use punctuations Galinda??! Who would believe anything you wrote? You obviously aren't educated, so therefore you wouldn't have the slightest idea or knowledge regarding brain death- let alone comprehend anything pertaining to neurology.
DeleteWhat do you think a vent is??! How do you know Jahi is moving around?! Have you witnessed this claim of movement? SMDH!
By the way, look up the Lazarus sign.
Please, go back to grade school and learn how to form a coherent sentence. Then learn how to punctuate. Of course you have to learn how to spell first. Sheesh!
Are there any literate, sane, or educated "believers" out there- who can give a good plausible reason as to why they believe Jahi is alive?!
So far all the Jahi's alive believers, are the same uneducated clueless sheeples. Tsk tsk!
Jahi is very much NOT ALIVE! She is incapable of being resurrected- period!
A Realist!
I agree with you totally. It appears that at least half of these people on here are lucky they know their own name at best. Just because they think that is the way a corpse reacts to machines. True she can be on a machine for over a year but they couldn't donate her organs because they would no longer be viable. People.....go get some education,if you could see what your comments look like you would be embarrassed.
DeleteSo your one experience with your very I'll and elderly mother makes you an expert on life support, huh?
DeleteSugar, I've been caring for people on ventilators for 30 years and a brain dead person absolutely can live for months, have involuntary movements, have a heartbeat, make urine-all things I am sure you would call signs of life. Fortunately, your grasp of basic English shows up how little you know.
yes! The little girl is alive and will live....
Deleteys (22 March 2014 at 16:03)
DeleteNO!!! The overly large teen is dead...and will never "rise" or come back to life.
ys 22- please put down your crackpipe you and Galinda are sharing.
ReplyDeleteThis story is sad in so many ways. This little girl is not going to get better. There is a huge difference in comatose, vegetative state, and brain dead. Jahi needs to be laid to rest. Plus I know her family is having a hard time letting go, but false hope is not good for anyone. and whatever hospital she is at, is taking advantage of these people, because if they have any medical knowledge at all, they know better than to think this child is coming back.
ReplyDeletePainting the nails of a corpse, applying makeup to the decomposing face of a corpse...all this family is doing at this point is using the dead body as a room decoration. She might as well be a throw pillow. This is disgusting. What will they do when they have to give up and admit she's dead...call a taxidermist?